
Intent, Schmintent.

Every now and then I go out to someone’s author blog or something, and they have a post like, “I’m a writer because when I write I’m GOD. I create entire universes and control everything in them. All of creation and destruction lie in my hands!...

A farewell to pantsing?

If I look back over the stories I think have been the most successful and easiest to write, they have something in common. A sense of structure. Even before I wrote the first word I had some idea of the story’s structure. It’s a lot easier to write that...

I haven’t been plotting enough.

What with all the NaNoEdMo and hurricane story revisions, I must not be doing enough plotting. I’m having really narrative dreams again. Tonight’s was a murder trial, the witness in danger from a serial killer, the people trying to save her life, and...

I take it back.

The hurricane story is not the literary equivalent of a Rorschach test. Out of seven Critters critiques, I had four full groks, two partial groks, and an “Oh, God. Your story is so long and it has so many characters and I give up! I’m not even going to...

I should be editing, but no.

I’m distracted by my first Critters critique for the hurricane story, which I expected. I always think I’m being obvious when I write. I give the story to Brian, who understands it completely and effortlessly. I sent it in for critique. *Wonk!* Now,...


From Jennifer Pelland, a discussion on the importance of having a writing cheerleader. I actually tried to do that with NaNoWriMo on a sikrit friends-only LJ, but no one commented, alas. Maybe I should have mentioned that was my plan. What, my friends aren’t all...

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