
Art is never finished, only abandoned.

I expect that I’m about to frustrate a lot of people, but that’s the way it is. Back in 2007, I started a “Hurricane Katrina” story.  I wandered around in my post-apocalyptic Probably New Orleans, got lost, deleted 5,000 words, rewrote it a...

The Broad Universe Sampler

It’s got me and a lot of other awesome women in it, and it’s FREE.  Check out Broad Spectrum: The 2012 Broad Universe Fiction Sampler.  My story starts: Last time this happened, I was Orpheus. Ethan was lost, pale, gone in a haze of Zoloft and Lithium and...

Write or Die!

I just used the desktop version of Write or Die to get my daily words in.  It was a birthday present from my sister, and it was painless.  The nicest part was when I started to sit around and ponder a name for a walk-on.  I could stare at the screen and try to come up...

New Story

Have an excerpt: Rumor had it that the Mirosians worshipped some kind of monster as a God, and that he was to be a human sacrifice. Ted lowered his eyes to avoid glaring at the bald green glare of his captor’s head, and found himself staring at his wings...


I’m hoping this is close to the last draft of my bug story.  It’s about 4800 words of insecty goodness! Um.  Yeah.  Trust me on this.  Heh. In other news, I have a huge pile of stories that need to go back out because of commute hell.  Maybe I should go do...

I’m a story-finishing menace!

I’ve been sitting on this one for awhile, and it’s time to release it into the wild. It’s called “The Will of Venus.” It was a day that all young girls both dreamed about and feared. Mostly feared. Aelia Prima had done all the traditional...

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