
I’M SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!

I’m number one in Canada!!!! I love you, Canada! <3 [Edit on 3/21/24] I should have checked Kobo yesterday, but today I’m #3 there! [/edit] (Amazon swears I’ll have a sales rank in the UK tomorrow, but I currently don’t have...
Bookbub Baby!

Bookbub Baby!

I have an international-only Bookbub deal TODAY. Are you in the US? That’s okay, my book is on sale for you, too! It’s 0.99 for all the English-speaking markets. You can grab your copy with this smart link: Tell your...
In the Water

In the Water

This story was originally posted in Ficticious Force in 2009 and reprinted in Escape Pod on May 13, 2011, and in Love Stories in 2022. Yvonne looked up from her monitor, the beads in her cornrows clattering as Roger walked into her office. Roger sat in the dark wooden...
Querying My Novel

Querying My Novel

I’ve been querying my novel for about two months now, and so far it’s basically emailing out or pasting into Query Manager and waiting, punctuated by surprisingly nice form letters. I mean, I got A LOT of rejections sending out my short stories (and also...
Ondine’s Curse

Ondine’s Curse

This story was originally published in Electric Velocipede on December 30, 2013, and reprinted in Love Stories. She knew the signs of drowning; she’d seen it many times. Mouth below the waterline, arms pressing the body up out of the water for a breath. He didn’t cry...

Content Warnings for my Novel

So, content warnings. A.S. Akkalon was talking about them over here and included a link to a Trigger Warning database. What I’ve been sending in my queries (yeah, #amquerying): “Content warnings: Pet death, partner death, child death, reference to torture,...

Year In Review

My novel started the year at 65,000 words (draft 1.5), increased to 120,000 words (draft 2) to address developmental concerns, and decreased to the current 96,000 words. I feel like it’s structurally there and am just looking for things like how many times...

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