
SQL Saturday #111

As always, I had an awesome time at SQL Saturday.  I heard at least two people say that the SQL community is full of genuinely nice people, and it certainly seems to be true.  I followed a bunch of new people on Twitter and won a Kindle Fire! (By the way, if...

This Saturday is SQL Saturday!

This Saturday, I’ll be joining all the SQL geeks (including someone who’s been my friend since 1996) to listen to talks on SQL at the GSU campus in Alpharetta.  I’d say “Be there or be square!” but it’s sold out, so, alas, if...

Patch Tuesday

If you’re like me, you have Patch Tuesday on your calendar.  In fact, if you’re like me, you’re running something like this at home! with your linux desktop checking itself and your Windows desktop for available patches via Nagios! No?  It’s...

Nagios Plugin – SQL Job Status

I checked out Nagios Exchange, and didn’t see anything that checked the status of a job and used Windows/AD credentials/trusted connection.  So I wrote this. It’s intended to run as an NRPE script, and doesn’t require anything that doesn’t come...

Cat Geekery

So, I have the Withings wifi scale.  It gives me pretty graphs and posts my weight as an accountability thing, to keep me from gaining it all back. My cats are using my Withings scale. Admittedly, I do tend to ask them, “What are you doing? Are you crazy?”...

Software Update

I moved to WordPress. Mainly because of the ease of upgrades. Compared to Movable Type upgrades, well, damn. My commute is so ugly these days (hence the radio silence) that that makes a big difference to me. So. How are you? Happy New...

Made. Of. Awesome!

Fantasy Magazine’s new online submission system rocks so hard I’m afraid they’ll get a ticket for disturbing the peace. Seriously. And this is from someone who used to write database-driven websites for a living. Best online submissions ever! They...

Wow, that was temporarily tragic!

I upgraded the site software and temporarily broke MT-akismet. This was probably the most horrible thing ever to happen to a writer’s site. Luckily, the problem was discovered when I asked myself, “Self, why are all those spam comments getting...

Woe is me!

I impulsively went to Microcenter to look for upgrades for my linux desktop, since that was my bribe for myself. It looks like the spare processors I was going to use are old enough that I can’t use them with a new motherboard, so I didn’t think I’d...

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