
In light of continued fun and games with social media, well. You know. BTW, still open to social media suggestions. Tell me where you hang out!

But I digress.

Some of my favorite authors! People ask me about my favorite authors a lot, and I usually have the same answers:

  1. Neil Gaiman. I mean. Come on! My favorite is probably American Gods–okay, this is actually kind of embarrassing to admit, but I bought a television when I heard they were making an American Gods TV series–but I also really love Good Omens.
  2. Lyda Morehouse/Tate Hallaway. If you don’t know about Lyda, well. She wrote an amazing cyberpunk religion series–religion as mythology, not as proselytizing, with a dystopian theocracy–with fascinating AI characters, thrash polka, a hard-boiled lady detective, a brilliant and sneaky hacker, a female cyborg cop, and angels–literal angels. Also a lot of queer themes. Tate Halloway is her paranormal romance alter-ego who writes fun urban fantasy and paranormal romance books (many with vampires). Lyda’s books have been re-released by Wizard’s Tower Press and I highly recommend them!
  3. James Tiptree, Jr. “Tip” was one of the all-time great short story masters. She (yes, she) was the author of some of my favorites, “Love is the Plan the Plan is Death,” “Houston, Houston, Do You Read?”, “The Screwfly Solution” (as Racoona Shelden), and the early cyberpunk story “The Girl Who Was Plugged In.” She’s also a study in the projections of others (if you know, you know).
  4. Anne Rice. I… have been coming to realize that I read Anne Rice at an impressionable age. I think I trailed off after Queen of the Damned, but… yeah.
  5. Ursula K. Le Guin. When my father was stationed at Hill AFB in Utah I basically lived in the Young Adult section of the Ogden Public Library, and I snarfed down every Le Guin book they had. My favorite is The Left Hand of Darkness, but I really love The Dispossessed, too.

Who are some of your favorites, and why?

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